Electrate Zelig


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Technology of Well-Being

Launch seeds into the air to germinate the ground below

The shift in power from war to research existed because of the instilled desire that American's possessed for human advancement, space travel and research in the sciences. Contemporary American society possesses a different kind of desire, that exists particularly due to American media's metaphysical shift towards a desire for objects of distraction. Contemporary Objet a's cause us to physically react, activating the drive; that which propels oneself forward. We interpret "up" as "forward", in constant motion in order to attain a certain goal, an idealized goal. The line blurs as the drive begins to wind down. This is due to the various moments where one thought the goal had been reached, but the desire was not satiated. The goal was passed as if by rocket, the data was recorded and interpellated. We move forward, UP. Actually, we don't realize it, but we begin from the ground again most of the time in states of negotiation.  

Let us develop the desire for Well-Being. Honolulu, Waikiki area, although at a higher cost of living, offers $11hr minimum wage. Also, prime real estate all over is allocated to public parks that are geared towards neighborhood enrichment. Supermarkets in Maui do not use plastic bags anymore. People are in a constantly developing metaphysics of well-being. Solar energy and wind power is harvested all over the islands. With all this said, the locals in Maui do love Wal-Mart. It is said that the islands receive music and products later than the mainland but I believe that what they receive later than the mainland is the activation of its gaze. Hmmm...

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