Electrate Zelig


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sumi Sweeping

Calligraphy and SHI is like the wake of a boat and the outboard engine that cut it into existence. Jullien states that the SHI of calligraphy is like the internal skeleton of the calligraphic ideogram, which provides structural consistency. It is the potential. It is hard to believe how great calligraphy can be until you acquire the tools to begin manifesting SHI through its mark-making. I will help make this as easy as possible.. read page 79 on conceptual art and calligraphy and intent.One very important thing to remember is that:

"It must be assessed with SHI in mind if it is to be successful."

If SHI is a vital force of energy, like a powerful rush of water flowing down a mountain, imaging the brush's Sumi ink tip and its first encounter with the painting surface. The ink's sole purpose is to create a mark, a stain on the surface.
 Watch this:

 Think of a desire, and find the space between desire and the object of attraction. This is the journey, the drive's course. Make the brush tip your power, and now go on the journey. Remember:

When SHI comes, don't stop it. When it departs, do not hinder it. 

This quote will now be forever linked to the brushtip, brush, hand, arm, body, self.

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